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Re: Is it possible to extract fonts from old DOS games?

in Milliways
I wrote a small QBasic program that I ran in DOSBox and then I made a screenshot. But it's also possible to open the file with Wombat and then selecting the Data view tab and then selecting the VGA mode and for width and height using the values 8 and 8. Easy isn't it? 😉

Re: death rally freeware

in Milliways
The answer is in the Death Rally FAQ : Is it OK to distribute the DOS version of Death Rally? No. Death Rally is not "abandonware" and Remedy has only made the Windows re-release free according to the license agreement included in the installation package. Distributing the full DOS version is …

Re: DOSBox debugger

here it is http://dosbox.linuxsecured.net/dosbox73debug.exe I can't use the BPM command in this version. Is it removed in DOSBox 0.73 or isn't this the heavydebug version? Anyway, I want to use memory breakpoints that activate when the value of a memory location is changed, without having to …

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